` is on the first line of the post _and_ there is an empty line between it and your content.
# Introduction
You'll know it is configured correctly if you see this message inside the editor window:
### Manual Approach
This is not a native feature of Discourse, you can manually create a TOC by using HTML headings with the appropriate ID rather than the `##` heading sytnax. Make sure your id is prefixed with `heading--` , this is necessary because of the Discourse’s javascript app based architecture. Here is a quick example:
- [link to first heading](#heading--first-header)
- [link to second heading](#heading--second-header)
- [link to third heading](#heading--third-header)
- [link to fourth heading](#heading--fourth-header)
some text
more text
even more text
ok no more text
* [link to first heading](https://www.ussbrahe.org/t/discourse-tips-tricks/73/1#heading--first-header)
* [link to second heading](https://www.ussbrahe.org/t/discourse-tips-tricks/73/1#second-header)
* [link to third heading](https://www.ussbrahe.org/t/discourse-tips-tricks/73/1#heading--third-header)
* [link to fourth heading](https://www.ussbrahe.org/t/discourse-tips-tricks/73/1#heading--fourth-header)
### First One
some text
### Second One
more text
### Third One
even more text
### Fourth One
ok no more text
## Using LaTeX for Formatted Math
This section describes a plugin not installed on our server and therefore does not display properly. It is preserved as part of the original guide in the event we ever implement it. If the Mathjax plugin is desired, please open a Technical Support Topic.
[details="Mathjax & LaTeX"]
The is an official Discourse plugin that uses Mathjax to enable LaTeX based formatting. The LaTeX syntax is a beast on it’s own so I’ll only point out a few examples. Look at the [quick reference guide ](https://math.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5020/mathjax-basic-tutorial-and-quick-reference) on stack exchange for more information. The basic usage is to use `$ \some inline latex expression $` or to express in multi-line surround the LaTeX with `$` .
There is color text and a variety of symbols( αωγβΩΓ ), fonts available( HELLOWORLD ), and other ways to express things (((((x)))))
## Using HTML
### Other
If you’d ever like to see how someone else created their post you can use the following URL format to view the raw markdown `https://forum.example.com/raw/{topicid}/{postid}` take a look at [the current post](https://www.ussbrahe.org/raw/73) as an example.
### Aligning items
If you’re trying to align images or wrap text, there isn’t a really great tools for either of these things. It’s possible with custom plugins, but it’s not yet supported in native Discourse.
# Private Messages
A Private or Private Group Message are types of Topics that intended to only be seen by the recipients. In every way that matters (formatting, policy), a Private Message is like a Topic _except_ how you create it.
## Disclaimer of Use
Private Messages are **not** encrypted and the Admin team has the ability to access and review them. Users are expected to follow the Code of Content, even in private messages.
### Create Private Message via Profile Menu
- Click on your profile picture in the top-right of the screen
- Double-click the envelope icon
- Click "New Message" on the left-side menu
### Create Private Message via the Topic Editor
- Click the "+New Topic" button on any screen it is visible
- Click the `+` button on the upper-left side of the editor window
- Click `New message`
### Addressing Individuals and Groups
Begin typing a user's Discourse name in the `Add user` field. Discourse will populate possible candidates
You can message different Discourse groups like `@moderators` or `@admins`
# Images
It is possible to upload images to Discourse; however, the preference is that users will host from a site like imgur. Direct uploads to the Discourse increase our storage footprint, with in turn increases the cost for maintaining the site. Be mindful: if you can host it elsewhere, please do.
## Imgur Thumbnail Guide
Append any of these letters to the base filename of an imgur image to automatically scale it down.
s = Small Square (90×90) as seen in the example above
b = Big Square (160×160)
t = Small Thumbnail (160×160)
m = Medium Thumbnail (320×320)
l = Large Thumbnail (640×640) as seen in the example above
h = Huge Thumbnail (1024×1024)
For instance, to get the Big Square version of the `![img](https://i.imgur.com/b0abKrx.png)` file, one would rename it to `![img](https://i.imgur.com/b0abKrxb.png)`
## Tagging Images
It is possible to tag an image using HTML so that text appears when a user places their mouse cursor over it: