Star Trek Adventures Character Sheet


This template is used to create character sheets for players. This template contains values for the character Horace Jefferson. Given the complexity involved with a formal gaming system, I decided to leave Horace’s info here, with the assumption that practical values would be more meaningful than an empty template populated by zeroes.

The recommended placement of this template is at the bottom of your Dossier, inside the original post. That way the headers all appear in the Dossier’s Table of Contents like so:


# Star Trek Adventures Character Sheet

## Traits
A character will typically have one or more Traits, one of which will always be the character’s Species. Traits are essentially descriptions of important parts of the character, in a single word or a short phrase. 

Trait | Details
Human | Humans are adaptable and resilient, and their resolve and ambition often allow them to resist great hardship and triumph despite great adversity. However, Humans can also be reckless and stubborn, irrational, and unpredictable.

## Attributes
Attributes embody the character’s intrinsic physical and mental capabilities, when compared across species, and the ways they prefer to approach problems.

Attributes are discussed in detail on page [color=#FCC727]95[/color] of the Core Rule Book.

Attributes  | | | | | <br>
[color=#FCC727] **Control**[/color] | 12 | [color=#FCC727] **Fitness**[/color] | 10 | [color=#FCC727] **Presence** [/color] | 8
[color=#FCC727] **Daring**[/color] | 9 | [color=#FCC727] **Insight**[/color] | 9 | [color=#FCC727] **Reason** [/color] | 8

## Disciplines
Each character is trained in six Disciplines, which encompass the broad roles that  Starfleet officers are expected to be proficient within. 

Disciplines are discussed in detail on page [color=#FCC727]97[/color] of the Core Rule Book.

Disciplines | | | | | <br>
[color=#FCC727] **Command**[/color] | 4 | [color=#FCC727] **Security**[/color] | 5 | [color=#FCC727] **Science** [/color] | 1
[color=#FCC727] **Conn**[/color] | 2 | [color=#FCC727] **Engineering**[/color] | 2 | [color=#FCC727] **Medicine** [/color] | 2

## Focuses
Focuses allow a character to demonstrate talent for a narrower set of disciplines, representing specialization and the kind of expertise that comes from deeper study and practical experiences. 

Focuses are discussed in detail on page [color=#FCC727]100[/color] of the Core Rule Book.

Focuses | <br> | <br>
Longarm Phasers | Hand-to-Hand Combat | Shipboard Tactical Systems 
Survival | Physical Therapy | Threat Assessment

## Talents
Talents are additional benefits that a character possesses, that define areas of specialty, the advantages of their personal approach to circumstances, and other decisive abilities.

Talents are discussed in detail on page [color=#FCC727]135[/color] of the Core Rule Book.

Talents | Description
[color=#FCC727] Constantly Watching [/color] | When you attempt a Task to detect danger or hidden enemies, reduce the Difficulty by 1
[color=#FCC727] Mean Right Hook [/color] | Your Unarmed Strike Attack has the Vicious 1 Damage Effect.
[color=#FCC727] Close Protection [/color] | When you make a successful Attack, you may spend one Momentum to protect a single ally within Close range. The  next Attack against that ally before the start of your next turn increases in Difficulty by 1
[color=#FCC727] Deadeye Marksman [/color] | The character has spent time at the target range every day, working on their aim. When the character takes the Aim Minor Action, they reduce the Difficulty of their next Attack by 1, in addition to the normal effects of the Aim Minor Action.
[color=#FCC727] Sensitive Stomach [/color] | As the result of a serious injury where much of his gastrointestinal system was damaged, Horace has difficulty digesting foods he once loved; he keeps to a fairly bland diet these days and tends to avoid alien cuisine whenever practical

## Values
Values describe the attitudes, beliefs, and convictions of that character. These are not simple opinions, but the fundamental structure of the character’s morals, ethics, and behavior.

Coming up with Values can be difficult. A guide to writing them can be found in this [Star Trek: Adventures Developers Blog]( ) entry. Values are discussed in detail on page [color=#FCC727]113[/color] of the Core Rule Book.

**Values** | Description
[color=#FCC727] True Believer in the Federation [/color] | Horace believes the Federation is the greatest institution ever created and will fight and die to protect it
[color=#FCC727] Patience is a Virtue [/color] | Horace's experiences with camping and hunting have given him the presence of mind to wait even the most unpleasant situation out
[color=#FCC727] [Sir Isaac Newton is the Deadliest Person in Space]( [/color] | Horace respects the awesome power of ship-based weapons is strives for supreme accuracy, especially when firing near innocent targets
[color=#FCC727] There's No Such Thing as "Off-Duty" [/color] | Horace is always just a little tense, just a little ready to cite regulations, or thinking about his job; even when he's relaxing, he's working

## Stress
Stress is the ability to respond to peril and avoid the worst of it. A character’s normal maximum Stress is equal to the total of the character’s Fitness and their Security Discipline.

Stress is discussed in detail on page [color=#FCC727]175[/color] of the Core Rule Book.

[size=4][color=#FCC727]Maximum Stress:[/color][/size] 15

## Weapons
Weapons and other forms of attack, as well as the damage caused by hazards, have a few common traits and values that determine the specifics of how they function. The key 
elements of a weapon are what type of weapon it is, its damage rating, the size of the weapon, and any Qualities it possesses that influence how it is used.

Weapons are discussed in detail on page [color=#FCC727]192[/color] of the Core Rule Book. Additionally, you can find a table of weapons on page [color=#FCC727]193[/color].

Name | Challenge Dice | Type | Damage Rating | Size | Qualities | Cost
Unarmed Strike | ? | Melee | 1 _Knockdown_ | 1H | Non-lethal | - 
Type 2 Phaser | ? | Ranged | 3 | 1H | Charge | Standard Issue
Type 3 (Phaser Rifle) | ? | Charge | 4 | 2H | Accurate, Charge | Opportunity 1, Escalation 2