

The Tlith are a warp capable species on friendly terms with the United Federation of Planets since the latter made first contact in 2407. Their homeworld, located in the Pyyat sector on the edge of the former Romulan Neutral Zone, is one of the few Class Q worlds known to possess a native sentient species.

Star System

The Tlith home system, known as Tyaap (“Home”) is a binary system with a type A3 primary star (Vizt / “Light”) and a type L6 brown dwarf secondary (Povssa / “Hearth”). Planets have been found orbiting both stars.

Planet Name Classification Notes
A1 Gssot B Tidally locked to Vizt. Dayside temperatures exceed 1300 K
A2 Norr D Tenuous atmosphere. Automated mines produce gallicite and tritanium.
A3 Vaag J A thin ring system circles the planet; possibly debris from a former moon. Nineteen moons remain.
A4 Tytel K Two semi-permanent research outposts are maintained by the Tlith on this planet.
A5 Ireet C Thin nitrogen atmosphere; water and methane ice make up the crust.
B1 Tyaap Q Tidally locked to Povvsa. Breathable atmosphere. Extensive ice cap on the nightside. Tlith Homeworld.
B2 Fozevv J Ringed gas giant, eleven moons. Multiple Tlith space industrial stations are located here.
B3 Vokyy J 0.2 Jovian Masses. Fourteen moons, mostly captured asteroids or comets.
B4 Kett K Thick methane atmosphere.


Tlith are hairless bipeds, standing on average 2.2-2.4 meters in height, with two five-fingered hands. They possess two large eyes with black sclera and slit pupils; as well as two long, pointed ears. Facial structure is rigid; emotional expression is via a series of fluorescent dots running down the center of the face. Tlith skin pigments range from dull pink (approx. 11% of the population), to purple (72%), to blue (17%).

Tlith are biologically hermaphroditic, and possess no gender divisions or sexual characteristics or urges. They reproduce only at the end of their lives. Due to the nature of their planet’s climate, all Tlith are born at the same time and die at the same time (see Life-cycle).

Tlith are liquivorous; using a sharp proboscis to penetrate fruits, tubers, as well as small animals, and injecting a digestive fluid to convert the interior into something that can be consumed. As such, ‘cooking’ is an alien concept to the Tlith, though one they are starting to adopt as they are introduced to various foods from outside their homeworld. Most foods can be placed in an “eating sphere” which can contain both foodstuffs and the digestive fluid.

Life Cycle

The orbit of Povvsa around Vizt follows a 120 year period, of which 50 of those years draw Povvsa and its planets close enough that Tyaap recieves enough insolation to become habitable. For the remaining 70 years, Tyaap endures a minor ice age, with surface temperatures on the planet’s near-side (normally warmed by Povvsa) drop low enough to kill off all but the hardiest surface life. The bulk of life on Tyaap has adapted to this cycle by laying eggs at the onset of this long Winter which then hatch and mature the following Spring 70 years later.

Tlith eggs are stored in hexagonal cells filled with a nutrient jelly, one egg per cell. Before each cell is capped, a substance known as ‘brain-jelly’ is added, and is generally the last sustenance a larva consumes before pupating. The brain-jelly contains long-chain molecules that encode memories of the previous Tlith, thus allowing each new Tlith to emerge from the cells as adults with a significant amount of inherited knowledge, including language, basic skills, even some abstract knowledge. Comparison with Federation standards indicate that a newly emerging adult Tlith possesses the equivalent knowledge and intelligence of a humanoid completing secondary education. This inherited knowledge can also direct each Tlith to specific roles in their society.

From ‘birth’ to Age 6, the Tlith essentially explore their own cities, study the books left behind by the previous generation, and integrate into a society. From age 6 to age 45, the Tlith generally settle into a life and career, forming relationships that remain largely fixed through much of their lives. After the Tlith turn 45, they turn their focus inward, preparing themselves and their society for the next Winter.

Once temperatures begin to plummet, the Tlith retreat underground (in precivilized eras this meant seeking out deep caves, but modern Tlith have prepared special Vaults at the center of their communities with advanced automated systems for maintenance and monitoring) where they self-fertiize and lay eggs. The Tlith then also produce brain-jelly, essentially copying all of their memories into chemical form, which is then regurgitated into receptacles for mixing and distribution. This mixing is a communual effort; Tlith do not segregate by caste, and so each new Tlith is guaranteed to gain a wide variety of memories and knowledge by the mixing of brain-jelly. Once the cells are packed and capped, the Tlith return to upper chambers prepared for their final rest.

In the event of accidental death before Winter’s arrival, the Tlith’s body will generate as much brain-jelly as it can before life-functions cease; this can be collected and stored until the onset of Winter, where it can be added to the communal mixing with the rest.

Psychology and Culture

To be added


To be added

Relations with the Federation

Since first contact in 2407, the Tlith have maintained peaceful relations, with growing cultural, economic, and scientific ties to the Federation. The Tlith made a formal request to join the Federation in 2409. The membership application process is still on-going as of 2422, with final acceptance expected to occur by end of that year. As a gesture of goodwill, the Government of All Tlith provided a selection of candidates to serve in Starfleet, of which only one passed the requirements to attend Starfleet Academy in 2410. This Tlith, Voyrays, has since served with distinction on various Federation stations and starships, with their most recent accomplishment being Chief of Engineeing aboard the USS Shackleton.

Relative Federation Ratings

Ratings are based on observational data and rated against the average Federation world’s internal rating. Ratings may fluctuate wildly based on new data.


RATING: Average


RATING: Average


RATING: Average-Advanced
Tlith engineering is mixed; the Tlith developed the precursor technologies for warp travel during the latter half of Cycle 950 (2305-2330), with their first warp flight occurring in the Spring of Cycle 951 - the Federation detected the warp flight on August 22, 2407, with first contact occurring a month later. Current Tlith warp capabilities are advancing rapidly, with Tlith starships now capable of reaching Warp 4 for brief periods. Shields and weapon technology remain at approximately 2250-2270 levels. Civil engineering abilities are equal to or more advanced than Federation standard.

Of special note is their focus on automation. Tlith have developed advanced robotics equal to or superior to most Federation automation capabilities, though they have not developed any form of sentient machine. This automation not only extends Tlith capabilities in environments outside their homeworld, but also preserves and maintains their cities during each Winter.

Star Trek Adventures - Tlith Characters


  • +1 Control
  • +1 Insight
  • +1 Reason


Tlith Tlith are adapted to a more narrow range of temperatures than most humanoids and are especially vulnerable to colder temperatures; tasks in such environments are increased in difficulty, with higher difficulties the colder things get. Tlith also see a wider range of the spectrum than most humanoids; into the high infrared and low ultraviolet portions, and are more resistant to ionizing radiation.


Inherited Knowledge

Requirement: Tlith The Tlith’s mixing of brain-jelly for larvae can result in a broad range of knowledge being passed on; while most tends to be what Starfleet would consider “basic” knowledge, some more advanced concepts can make their way into the next generation - and which can provide unique insights. When a Tlith character succeeds at a task using Reason, they gain one bonus momentum point.

Robotic Assist

Requirement: Tlith For centuries, the Tlith have relied on advanced robotics to augment their abilities; many Tlith have robot helpers as a result. Once per session, a Tlith character may use a Robot Assistant to aid them with all tasks involving Control or Fitness attributes (see Robot Assistant Spec Sheet below). The Robot Assistant goes away at the end of the scene in which they’re invoked.

Tlith Robot Assistant

Control 8 Fitness 10 Presence 7
Daring 7 Insight 7 Reason 8
Command 1 Security 2 Science 1
Conn 2 Engineering 2 Medicine 2
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